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Why choose handmade organic soap?

It’s simple. The ingredients! Always remember that your skin will absorb what you put on it. We usually say: “If you wouldn’t eat it why put it on your skin?”

Today most people have never used handmade soap before. In fact, most people have never used real soap before. Wait…what?

If you take a look at cleansing products sold in stores, it’s likely you won’t find the term “soap” on the package. “Soap” sold in stores is often made with chemical detergents, hardeners and synthetic lathering agents, which means they actually do not meet the definition of soap by the regulations of most national health agencies.  

Another crucial aspect is how compared to handmade soap; conventional soap often dries out the skin.

This is because of the following two reasons; firstly, many of those above-mentioned ingredients used in conventional soap lead to products that strip the skin of moisture and oils, creating dry or irritating skin. Secondly, the glycerin has often been removed during the manufacturing process of conventional soap, whereas handmade soap retains all the natural glycerin in the soap.  It is the glycerin that helps to attract moisture into the skin and hold it there.

We could list plenty more reasons why you should choose for organic handmade soap instead of conventional soap. So if you yet haven’t tried handmade natural soap – what are you waiting for?

Why should I avoid store-bought mass produced bars at the store?

In general it comes down to large companies want to make money and buy using lower quality ingredients, they can drop prices.....but this can negatively impact your body and health.

  • First and foremost, mass produced "soap" at your super market is not soap at all (check the label if you don't believe me). They throw all kinds of funny wording on label (body wash, body bar, beauty bar, etc) except "soap". The reason why is that they are comprised of detergents and chemicals used to generate lather, scent, and firm up the bars. The trouble is these chemicals and detergents are hard on your skin and can dry them out (not to mention expose you to questionable compounds).
  • Fragrances generated in a lab may contain tens to hundreds of various chemical compounds to mimic the scent consumers find pleasing...these are not natural at all and can lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Colorants and dyes used in industrial products may contain artificial colorants which can have questionable health effects such as irritation and some are classified as carcinogens.

How should I store my soaps?

Our soaps should be stored in a cool, dark and dry location until being used. When using the soap, make sure to proper drain it and store it in a way so that it can breathe and get plenty of air flow from all sides in between use. In this way you can prevent it from becoming mushy. 

Can I use your soap on my hair too?

Sure, whatever floats your boat. With gentle, natural ingredients and innate moisturizing properties, our soap can definitely go head to toe, for all you get-in-and-get-out types.

Ingredient Details

Olive Oil

Olive Oil Soap has anti-inflammatory effects and is non-irritating to the skin. Olive oils effectively retain moisture and helps soothe damaged, dry skin thereby. It is not just a hydration agent; it is aprotection against moisture and winter temperatures.It also helps soften your skin and gives your skin an enduring glow.

Organic Palm Oil

Palm oil is commonly used in soap production for its ability to create a hard and long-lasting bar of soap with a creamy lather. Because of its distinct qualities, palm oil is a popular choice among soapmakers. It is a natural emollient, which means it softens and soothes the skin.

Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut oil soap is an excellent moisturizer for both the skin and the hair. The properties of the coconut oil also help remove dead skin cells and dirt away from the body. The oils also help prevent or reduce acne. It also helps firm up your skin helps you look younger as the soap is rich in antioxidants.

Organic Shea Butter

Shea butter contains Vitamin A and vitamin E, which along with the fatty acids help promote collagen production, which helps keep your skin looking firm. Other natural moisturizers can sometimes be greasy, but shea butter is great for dry skin on the face because it's not oily.